I want to start listing all the movies and books that I read. This is the first installment of that. Hope you enjoy:
by Jane Austen
: I really enjoy reading Austen books and this one did not let me down. Persuasion was the last book JA ever wrote. Sadly she did not live to see it published. This story is about Anne Elliot, a middle child who, when she was 19, was persuaded out of an engagement to Captain Fredrick Wentworth. For reasons of money and social class. Now eight years later Wentworth has returned from the war with a small fortune and bit more social respectability. Through a cause and effect of events they cross paths again and again.
I feel this was one of JA best books that I have read so far. It kept me wanting to read more. I definitely recommend it to any reader who always likes a little suspense and romance.
"Beguiled" by Shannon Drake: Ok I admit it I am a hopeless romantic and this book proves it. This book is dripping with sappy romance. First off it starts out with Ally Grayson, a orphaned mystery brought up in the woods by her "Aunties", she gets abducted by none other then "The Highwayman" (I know I know) Well long story short, this book takes place a few years after Jack the Ripper and now more murders are taking place. Who do you think will be strong and beautiful enough to find out who the murder it? You guessed it, young Ally and her hansom Highwaymen.
This is kind of a cute book it you want a easy read that doesn't require any thought. I just grabbed it from the library 'cause they didn't have the book was looking for.