Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mason Happenings

I feel like I haven't shared to much about Mason so I thought I would dedicate this post to the boy I love the best: Mason. All of these change at random but these are his favorites at the moment.

Food: Perogi's with tomato sauce and corn on the cob

Book: Shel Silverstien's "Falling Up"

Questions: "Mommy where is he/she going?" or "What's that?" or my favorite and this one is always directed towards strangers "Do you have any food for me?" (My son is such a moocher)

Toy: a little yellow duck that he won at the fair last weekend and his bike.

Park: the school across the street. (We go there almost everyday.)

Thing to do after school: Play Dora the Explorer on my computer while I make dinner. (His teacher just told me he speaks and understands Spanish with her in class, so I am think Dora may have an impact.)

Song: I've been working on the Railroad and You are my Sunshine also on the radio he loves "Tonight" by the Black Eyed Peas

Friends: a boy name Jesse and girl named Keali that are always at the park across the street.

Secret: "I love you" and "I'm gonna stay in bed all by myself"

Game: Tag

Drink: Water in a glass cup with one ice cube

Ticklish Spot: Inside thigh and neck

Shoes: His Green Crocks

Movie: Finding Nemo

At Bedtime: to tell stories to each other. (Because of this I now have a tape recorder next to the bed and I have been taping our talks together)

Bizarre thing: Socks when he sleeps (he will not go to sleep unless he has socks on)

Well that concludes my post about Mason's favorites. I will try to think of more and post them next time. Have a Great Labor Day!