Friday, October 31, 2008

Here are some Halloween Pictures. Enjoy....

Happy Halloween Everyone

Molly - a.k.a. Snaggle Toe

Molly has been in our family for almost a month now and I finally feel like I can share about her. I have a better sense about what kind of dog she is. We adopted Molly from the Newport Beach Animal Shelter, she is beagle/retriever mix and is around a year old.  Although she has been a great addition to our home she has also been a lot of work.  She is a bit hyper but lets Mason crawl all over her.  Her is a little more information about her:

Being Brushed
Balls that squeak
Bark Park
Car Rides

People running past her
Tail being pulled
Her Snaggle Toe being played with
Short Walks
Her Harness

Her Snaggle Toe is a bit crazy. It is a little toe on the side of her foot and although she she has a nail growing it doesn't have much else.

I am sure I will be sharing much more about Molly because she is the first animal I have since Tiger passed away.  I think it has been an easy transition because she is not another kitty.  She is loved in a different way.  Of course Tiger would not have been happy having a dog in the house.  

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

With and Without TCS

This is a picture I took on my laptop.  Just a regular picture but you can tell the signs of my Treacher Collins Syndrome.  Mostly in the eyes.  That slight notch and down ward slop.  Well I was playing around and I took another picture using one of the effects called a mirror.  I was slightly surprised on how it turned out......

So I figured this is what my face would look like without the TCS.  I wanted to try and do the mirror the other way to see what I would look like if the TCS was worse but I was unable to.  I feel these two pictures are very different and although I have come to accept that TCS is and will always be in my life it is was a nice break to, even for just a moment, dream about what my life would be like without it.