Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Mannequin in Me

Last Tuesday at work, I looked out our office window, only to find one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. A mannequin next to a dumpster. I have no idea how this statue made it's way there. Or where it went two days later.

It was a hollowed out shell with no insides. She had black high tops and a silver platter covered in fake blood, bad make up and a french maids outfit.

This is the view from by office. She stood alone and seemingly without purpose. I seemed to find myself looking out the window to see if she was still standing out there. Wondering what she was waiting for. She seemed solid from far way, like she was tied to the poll and would never be moved.

When I actually went down to see her close, it is then I realized she was hollow. Not tied down, not strong. If fact she was light, that if strong enough wind came by, it would knock her over without a second thought.

She was gone when I came in Thursday morning. I am not sure why she got to me. I think because, in the way I have mentioned above, I feel like her. From far away I want to be strong, a single mother, a full time employee. But up close, sometimes all it takes is a strong wind and everything comes crashing down.

New York

Last week Mason and I got a chance to spend a day in New York. Something I have only done a couple of times since since moving here over a year ago. We had planned to meet up with a friend who was visiting from Belgium, but unfortunately we were never able to find each other. So Mason and I made the most of it and spent a great day together in the Big Apple.

First we took a Taxi ride to Beardsley Park, where we ate hot dogs from a vendor and chased all the pigeons away.

Next we took the Stanton Island Ferry across the harbor and back. We got to get a close up of the Statue of Liberty and saw Manhattan from afar.

Mason and I also got to meet the "Silver Man". It was so funny because there were so many visitors that thought he was a statue. But after spending a summer as a pan handler, I knew better. I ended up giving Mason a dollar to prove to other people that he was real. And even after that they still couldn't believe it.

And lastly we took the subway to FAO Schwarz to play with the three floors of toys they offer. And the trip would not be complete without visiting the HUGE piano, which of course Mason wanted to buy.

Even though I was sad that I missed seeing my friend, I still had a wonderful day with Mason and I wouldn't change it for the world.

The Many Birthdays of Mason

I don't think there is a child on this planet that got to have as many birthdays as my son did. Here are the highlights.

First Mason got to spend his actual birthday at Disneyland. We had a great time at the park and I think it will be something Mason never forgets.

Next we spend a nice quite night with Grandma and one of the best cakes I have ever tasted. She got the idea from friends, to slice an angel food cake and fill it with strawberries and whipped cream. Mason ate every bite (and so did I).

Once we returned to Connecticut, I brought in cupcakes for his class along with party favors. A huge success with the kids and I think Mason loved being the center of attention.

Lastly we had a small Mother's Day/Birthday party at my sisters house. Five candles for Mason and one for both myself and my sister.

I am sure Mason loved all his birthdays and especially the fact that he is now 5. A point he brings up in almost every conversation we have.

This year will be full of many new beginnings, Kindergarden, reading, writing, and all the many discoveries that come with being 5. I can't wait.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mason Turns 5

Today my baby turns 5 years old. I can't believe how fast the years have flown by. It seems like yesterday that my Dr. told me I would need to check into the hospital at midnight to be induced because I wasn't even dilated at 2 weeks after my due date.

I remember at this point I was covered in hives because I was so nervous about the big day. My whole body itched and I was just ready. Ready to welcome Mason into the world. Little did I know that it would be almost 27 hours later before that would actually happen.

He was born via C-Section shortly after 2am on May 6th. All 10lbs and 11oz. of him. And even though there were a few surprises that came along with his birth, I still stand by the fact the he is, hands down, the best thing that has ever happened to me.

And now every second is a blessing with him. He reminds me how to laugh everyday and even though he makes want to tear my hair out sometimes, he has taught me so many things about life and how to love someone unconditionally.

Happy Birthday Mason. I hope all your wishes come true.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Picture of the Day #6

Mason playing at one of his old haunts in California. His growth has become really apparent to me in just this one day that I have been here in So Cal. All the things Mason was to small for last year seem so easy for him now. Like sliding down polls and jumping from a few feet up. He amazes me all over again.