Saturday, February 16, 2008

Blueberry French Toast

So I told my son we would make blueberry pancakes last weekend and (trying not to feel too much like Old Mother Hubbard) when I went to cupboard it was bare. Nothing that I could put together to look like like any good mother I improvised. Hence "Blueberry French Toast"

The French toast part was easy but I also mashed up some blueberries and put it in the egg mixture and it work really well in making it look like there were blueberries in the toast. Next I also mashed up some more blueberries and added a bit of syrup then nuked it all in the microwave. Poured it on top and then walla......Blueberry French Toast. I was pretty proud of my self for coming through on my word about breakfast and my son got to each yummy meal with plenty of antioxidants. All in a days work.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Music Minute

I just want to take a moment and share about a new singer/songwriter that I have fallen in love with. I first heard her on the Juno soundtrack and now I can't get enough of her music. If you are like me and enjoy music for the message and not necessarily the guitar riffs, you will love this music. It has Bob Dylan from the 60's being slammed into the 21st century type feel. You really get a sense of how she is feeling in each song. Some make you laugh, some cry, some take you bad to high school and all the crazy stuff you did.

I really hope she continues to make music and no it is not because we have the same hair...Ü

Please check her out at: ""