Just some of the lessons I want to teach my son:
To feel and show love
Imagination is key
It's fun to read
Give only when you can expect nothing in return
Hugs can fix almost anything
It will always be OK to kiss your mother
Remember "Please" and "Thank you"
It's OK to Jump on the bed
Real men DO cry
Always let an animal smell you before you pet them.
When you say "Sorry" mean it
Be true to yourself
Respect your elders
Count you blessings
As long as you TRY you can never FAIL
Live one day at a time
You are perfect just the way you are
Stop to smell the roses
Always look both ways before crossing the street
Treat other people the way you want to be treated
There are such things as soul mates
Follow your heart
To know the I will love you no matter what and you will always come first in my life.
Have fun
An apple a day keeps the Dr. away
In writing all these lessons down for my son it makes me think of the ones that I don't do or have never learned. But if I can teach my son just some of these basics I think I will have done a pretty good job as a mother.