Monday, March 24, 2008


Just some of the lessons I want to teach my son:

To feel and show love

Imagination is key

It's fun to read

Give only when you can expect nothing in return

Hugs can fix almost anything

It will always be OK to kiss your mother


Remember "Please" and "Thank you"

It's OK to Jump on the bed

Real men DO cry

Always let an animal smell you before you pet them.

When you say "Sorry" mean it

Be true to yourself

Respect your elders


Count you blessings

As long as you TRY you can never FAIL

Live one day at a time

You are perfect just the way you are

Stop to smell the roses

Always look both ways before crossing the street


Treat other people the way you want to be treated

There are such things as soul mates

Follow your heart

To know the I will love you no matter what and you will always come first in my life.

Have fun

An apple a day keeps the Dr. away

In writing all these lessons down for my son it makes me think of the ones that I don't do or have never learned. But if I can teach my son just some of these basics I think I will have done a pretty good job as a mother.

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Bed

Over the weekend my son got his "Big Boy" bed. I started with a nap Sunday just to see if there would be any problems but he seemed to love it and went right to sleep. So I put him in his bed last night. It was so nice to be able to lay down next to him to read a book and to sing a lullaby and when I woke him up this morning he looked so cute in his bed, curled up.

So now I just need to find the strength to take apart the crib. I remember when I first put him in that crib. He looked so small and helpless. Now he is an independent, smart, strong willed little boy.

Monday, March 10, 2008


My boss came to me about a month ago and said I want us to have a website with a shopping cart. Make it happen!! So with a lot of hard work and I made it happen. And today it opened for business.
I put many long hours into this website and I am very proud of it!!
I want to thank all the many people who answered my many questions with patience and understanding. Without your help this would not have happened.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Finger Paints

Finger painting I did with my son today.......We had so much fun doing this that I thought I should share it with the world.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Little Climber

My little baby is growing up to be such a big boy......Does this "letting go" ever get easier?