Saturday, January 31, 2009


This post has been hard for me to post but here goes with another try......

I have decided to move to Connecticut for various reasons.  The main reason is I am trying to Be fully self supporting and I just can't afford to live on my own in So. California.  So after a LONG thought process and many prayers I decided that CT is a place where I can afford to live on my own and still be close to family (my sister and her family) and live in a state that is not in 40 billion dollar dept. 

My plan is to leave by car on March 20 staying with various family and friends along the way.  I have a few people in my Treacher Collins Support Group that have offered to let my son and I stay at their house for a night.  I think if will be a great experience for both Mason and myself because we have yet to meet other people with TCS especially other children.

Once I get there I will be staying with my sister until June where I have a studio apartment set up of the summer.  This is the home of a teacher who will rent it to me for free for the summer and this should allow me time to find a job and save up for my own apartment.  

Of course once I get there who knows what will happen.  I am just going to try to take each day one day at a time.