Friday, February 26, 2010

Birthdays and Crafts

February has been a big month for me in regards to birthdays and crafts. Three birthdays and many different craft projects. Here are couple of random pictures of it all:

Here is Mason at his friends 5th birthday party. I thought the mom had invited the whole class, but it was just Mason and all of their family. Out off all the kids in class Sebastian had chosen my so to invite and they stayed together for most of the party. It was so sweet.

Also my nephew turned 3 this month. Here is the drawing my son made for the wrapping paper. He wrote Calvin but ran out of room so the NI are on the other side. When I saw this it just made me smile. I love to see how my son's drawings are progressing. More people like, with hands and feet and shape.

Here is a picture of the cape I made for Calvin, it should have been a Christmas present but I have been a little behind, anyway it didn't matter to him. He loved the cape, and I have been told he wants to wear it all the time.

Here is another one of my scarves. I am still just trying to master the scarf until I get really comfortable with knitting. Each new thing I make I get better and better though, and it gives me a real sense of pride. To put something in this world that wasn't there before.

There is so much more that has gone on this month but, as I am finding more as I grow older, time is flying by at an alarming rate. In a month I will have been in Connecticut for a year. It seems like such a long time, but I feel I have just gotten settled. Anyway, I cant wait for spring, and warm weather, and being able to go outside on my lunch break again.