Last Tuesday at work, I looked out our office window, only to find one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. A mannequin next to a dumpster. I have no idea how this statue made it's way there. Or where it went two days later.
It was a hollowed out shell with no insides. She had black high tops and a silver platter covered in fake blood, bad make up and a french maids outfit.
This is the view from by office. She stood alone and seemingly without purpose. I seemed to find myself looking out the window to see if she was still standing out there. Wondering what she was waiting for. She seemed solid from far way, like she was tied to the poll and would never be moved.
When I actually went down to see her close, it is then I realized she was hollow. Not tied down, not strong. If fact she was light, that if strong enough wind came by, it would knock her over without a second thought.
She was gone when I came in Thursday morning. I am not sure why she got to me. I think because, in the way I have mentioned above, I feel like her. From far away I want to be strong, a single mother, a full time employee. But up close, sometimes all it takes is a strong wind and everything comes crashing down.