Saturday, June 16, 2012

33 Days of "Random Acts of Kindness"

With the thought of my impending 33rd birthday upon me, I have decided to preform 33 Random Act's of Kindness.  Maybe in hopes to feel like this birthday is not just another day and to feel that I made some small difference in the world.

So today starts day 1 with:

Random Act of Kindness #1: Help a Baby Bird

Photo: Random Act of Kindness #1: Saving a baby bird.

Coming home from the park today, my son and I came across this small bird flopping on the ground and in the street.  We scooped it up and took it home and after calling around to a couple of wild life rescue facilities we were advised to put the bird back outside and out of harms way.  With any luck it's momma bird would find him and take him back to the nest.  We ended up placing him in the front yard, well away from the busy street and when I went back about 45 mins. later he was gone.  I hope that he has found his family and tonight is cuddling close to the ones that love him.