Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Day, My Dinner, My Night - In Photos

This is a new segment I am trying.  Describing my day, dinner and night in 3 random pictures that I have taken throughout the day.  Hope you like it.

My Day

Day hike and lunch at the Audubon Center in Greenwich.  Great walk which included a small waterfall and a frog named Jesse Jr.. 

My Dinner

A BLT minus the bread.  I am currently trying to watch the carbohydrates I eat so this was a yummy alternative and only a total of 2 grams of carbs. for both the wraps instead of the 28 grams if I had had only one sandwich.  

My Night

Playing Jenga with my son.  Now that school has started again I have established a rule of no TV, video games or computer on school nights and during the week.  This has opened the door to some pretty fun game nights and a lot of together time. 

Tell me about your day, dinner and night?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My 150th Post

I can't believe this is my 150th post.  I also can't believe I haven't posted anything since June...I have to say it was because I have had such a wonderful summer that everything has passed so quickly.  It was filled with sunshine, trips to CA to see my mom, Mason's first surgery, dinners at the beach and my loving family.  I have enjoyed every second of it....well maybe not walking away from Mason after they gave him the anesthesia.  That was really hard.  

I look forward to the coming fall, to my brother's wedding, to the holidays, and to the snow.