Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Day, My Dinner, My Night - In Photos

This is a new segment I am trying.  Describing my day, dinner and night in 3 random pictures that I have taken throughout the day.  Hope you like it.

My Day

Day hike and lunch at the Audubon Center in Greenwich.  Great walk which included a small waterfall and a frog named Jesse Jr.. 

My Dinner

A BLT minus the bread.  I am currently trying to watch the carbohydrates I eat so this was a yummy alternative and only a total of 2 grams of carbs. for both the wraps instead of the 28 grams if I had had only one sandwich.  

My Night

Playing Jenga with my son.  Now that school has started again I have established a rule of no TV, video games or computer on school nights and during the week.  This has opened the door to some pretty fun game nights and a lot of together time. 

Tell me about your day, dinner and night?


Meg said...

What a great day! David and I had a couple day. We went to Impero Cafe, enjoyed the quiet time and went to the Arts in the Alley. It's a small festival in our small town with lots of neat art! We went out for mexican then came home to bake muffins and cookies! Yum!

high risk merchant accounts said...

A good investment too. You are so lucky to have it.

Strong Men Gallery said...

Your dinner look so delicious.